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Our Newest Addition is the expert and teacher other MS programs wish they had

In building the Master of Science in Clinical and Applied Mass Spectrometry program, our department has been striving for the best. We want to provide the best career prospects in science, the best student experience, the best value, and the best education. For this, we needed to find the best lab director to support our students through the in-person laboratory rotations they will be participating in twice during the 9-month course. We found that in Seby Edassery.

Seby came to us from Northwestern University’s Neurology Department where he worked as the Research Lab Manager. Prior to that; he worked at Rush Hospital, teaching students how to use the lab equipment effectively for proteomics research. This blend of research and education makes a perfect match for CAMS. Seby has significant experience with MALDI-TOF, Triple Quadrupole and Orbitrap mass spectrometry technology used to quantitate proteins and small molecules from various biological samples. He also has many years of experience in Mass Spectrometry data processing and data interpretation.

There is no doubt that Mr. Edassery is a highly capable individual who can professionally manage a lab without concern. What sets him apart, however, is not what he has done, but rather who he is.

A Life Dedicated to Teaching and Learning

Mr. Edassery has a passion for his subject that means that even in his spare time, he works consistently to improve and develop his knowledge base. Outside of work hours, it is common to find Seby watching webinars on new technology or data analysis. A life-long learner, his curiosity and fascination with the capabilities in the world around him lead him to pursue knowledge at every available opportunity. This is a skill Seby not only encourages but also inspires in those around him.

In the time that he has worked with us in CAMS, it is clear that for Mr. Edassery, there is great value in family. Asked who inspires him the most, Mr. Edassery did not hesitate to explain that his own dad, who taught high school biology, inspired him to ask difficult questions and work hard to find the answers. It is this, among other qualities that make Seby such a natural and inspirational teacher. Beyond his subject matter expertise, Mr. Edassery has a unique ability to communicate his vast knowledge in an accessible manner. Students will come to him, already possessing a grasp of the theory of the instrumentation and its applications, what he can do better than anyone is guide people to transform knowledge to practice.